Here is what panelists have shared about their experience with our software-based moderator.

It’s simple and user-friendly.
The interviewing technology was developed with the idea that respondents across the entire spectrum of skills, abilities and technology acumen could use it. The simplicity of the interface provides a non-threatening experience that leads the respondent from beginning to end with zero friction.

It’s convenient.
Because it is software-based, respondents can interview at their convenience, 24/7. Our survey delivery methods are convenient too! Survey respondents are not responsible for finding technology to meet our delivery model, Quester’s delivery model was developed with all end user technologies in mind.

It’s just like a conversation.
Because it is sophisticated, respondents feel as if they are having a real-time conversation with a moderator, which in turns helps capture their thoughts, ideas and emotions.

Are you interested in our proprietary interviewing technology? Contact us to experience it.

From May 23 to May 28, 2013 Quester interviewed 200 panelists to find out what they think about the surveys they take. Our software-based interviewer moderated all 200 one-on-one interviews that week and the results are available for download at Panelists were asked to share their experience with the Quester survey and of those who responded, 70% were not just positive and enthusiastic about the experience but expressed their preference for it.