These Berries Spoke To Me

By Alice Gold, SVP Client Strategy

It’s not often when the routinized hum-drum of grocery shopping gets interrupted with a gleeful WTF, but that’s exactly what just happened to me.  This package stopped me in my tracks in my sweep through the produce department. And it spoke volumes.

This variety pack is perfection, like it knew I was coming. I typically buy three different boxes of berries to make a mixed fruit bowl, and here all the berries were nicely packaged in a single container. While this package is for a smaller household like one or two people, any day now I’m expecting a larger-sized family variety pack just like this one for larger households or entertaining.

My business is insights and strategy, and I thought about how this package must have come about through an ethnography or in-depth interview to understand exactly how people were buying and using berries, watching them take them home to make a mixed berry bowl–and then having lots of leftovers that would later go bad.

It reminded me how I used to buy bulk chicken breasts at Costco and when I got home, I’d get out the freezer baggies and divide up the package so I could freeze two or three breasts in one package.  I’m sure a researcher watched shoppers do that and fed the insight to the packaging innovation team.  So now, the chicken comes in perforated packages so you don’t have to divide it up yourself. All you have to do is throw it in the freezer and pull out what you need when you need it, with none of that icky chicken messiness.

At Quester, we’re having this kind of impact on our clients’ businesses all the time.  Our Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) work informs packaging innovations as well as the product innovation pipeline and communications strategies.

Let’s talk about how we can stop shoppers in their tracks for your brand.


  • Quester

    Quester is an award-winning consumer intelligence firm that harnesses the power of human conversation, artificial intelligence technology, and expert marketing research design to yield superior understanding of consumers for clients.

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