These Berries Spoke To Me

By Alice Gold, SVP Client Strategy

It’s not often when the routinized hum-drum of grocery shopping gets interrupted with a gleeful WTF, but that’s exactly what just happened to me.  This package stopped…

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Celebrity Controversies and Attention Span

The adage goes, “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” Over the past eight months, we have had plenty of celebrities who have tested this…

Read More Celebrity Controversies and Attention Span

Adopting Adaptogens: Consumers look to add flavor…

It isn’t bold to say that the recent pandemic has ushered in more negative changes than positive ones. One area, however, that is benefiting…

Read More Adopting Adaptogens: Consumers look to add flavor and health benefits

The Mandela Effect – and What It Means for…

I have always enjoyed writing. Writing has always been a safe outlet for my thoughts and creativity. It was in high school that I found enjoyment…

Read More The Mandela Effect – and What It Means for Brands

Amazon Prime Price Hike – Why a Social…

As a narratives company, Quester is often looking at multiple sources to understand the full picture of underlying narratives. One of the areas…

Read More Amazon Prime Price Hike – Why a Social Narrative Analysis Predicts It Won’t Impact Membership

The Memorability and Importance of Stories

Stories have been around since early humanity. Some of the earliest stories were captured as cave drawings dating back 30,000 years. And while we…

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Quester Hires Joy Boggio to Lead Social Narrative…

We’re excited to announce the extension of our award-winning insights department to include Social Narratives and the hiring of industry…

Read More Quester Hires Joy Boggio to Lead Social Narrative Capabilities