Traditional Open Ends: Say Goodbye to the…

The Quester Client Services team recently had fun debating the best analogy to describe the role traditional open ends play in market research today. Suggestions included cargo pants, the Walkman, floppy disks and…

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Defining My Midwestern Identity: Who Am I?

Living in Iowa all my life, I strongly identify myself as a Midwesterner. While I love to travel and see other parts of the country and the rest…

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Advancements in interviewing technologies:…

I should admit my relationship with quantitative research: It’s complicated. As a corporate researcher, I liked how quickly quantitative…

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New ITB Themes Released

We recently released two new themes for our ITB™ (Interactive Text Box). For those who are not familiar with Quester’s ITB, think of a…

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Sharing Quester’s Approach with MBA Candidates…

Quester was honored to have been invited to present to the Marketing Academy students at the University of Iowa’s Henry B. Tippie School of…

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Sentiment Analysis … So What?

In early January, Next Generation Market Research lead Tom H.C. Anderson shared over 70 predictions for 2012 from clients, Research company CEOs,…

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The Value of Personality Open Ends

Shakespeare once wrote “What is in a name?” If we had to answer him, we’d tell him “if it’s a brand name, it’s…

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