Quest for Gold Award

Quest for Gold was started a year ago to recognize an employee who goes above and beyond their call of duty. This quarter, Quester presented the award to Brian Pins, Research Manager, who is recognized as a team player and for his unwavering positivity.

Brian’s co-workers appreciate his thoughtfulness and dedication to his team. Andrea Joss, Vice President of Research, had this to say:

“I love working with Brian always and every day – I think where he really shined in the first quarter, for the award, was in thinking about new approaches and ways to apply what we do. There were two specific cases where he created a new structure for the interviewing tools to meet a client need, and where he applied our approach in an entirely new setting. And that’s one of the things that’s great about Brian – he is so engaged in what we do that he is always thinking about what else … what’s next, what new fun things can we work on?”

Peter Fecteau, last quarter’s Quest for Gold recipient, says “I am happy that we get to recognize each other’s hard work and giant brains. I know that the Quest for Gold award will only push Brian to provide even better service to our clients in the future.”

Congratulations, Brian!


  • Quester

    Quester is an award-winning consumer intelligence firm that harnesses the power of human conversation, artificial intelligence technology, and expert marketing research design to yield superior understanding of consumers for clients.